Aimee Solis

Divided in Trauma

It’s 3am and I’m up. 2 parts of me tearing at each other. The first: my rational self, go to bed, it’s late, you can check the results in the morning. The other: my emotional self, begging to know now because all it would take is a glance at my phone to find out who is the

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Why teaching your kids to share without boundaries isn’t empowering. Make the shift to Mindful Parenting.

To give myself a mommy break and pass on the importance of friends in my 3 year-old, only-child daughter, Olivia, I occasionally plan mommy and me play dates with friends of mine who have kids around the same age. It’s great… usually. During one of these play dates, my friend’s daughter, also 3, becomes fascinated

Why teaching your kids to share without boundaries isn’t empowering. Make the shift to Mindful Parenting. Read More »

The Importance of Relationships

Check out this video on KRDO Channel 13 highlighting how important and changing relationships can be. Professionals outside of the mental health field are catching on on how to use a relationship as a catalyst for positive change! Aimee Solis talks about the importance of relationships, even in the Department of Corrections.

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